Gas Turbine Compressor Cleaning Fluid
Gas turbine compressors draw air into the engine, pressurize it, and feed it to the combustion chamber. Over time, particles and other contaminants build up and require gas turbine compressor cleaning fluid.
How To Choose Gas Turbine Compressor Cleaning Fluid
When choosing a gas turbine compressor cleaner, seek chemicals that meet your OEM specifications. Over time, unwanted materials build up, and you need a detergent-based cleaner to remove the foulant. High-quality cleansers like Blue Gold can do the job without causing any damage to the compressor.
Blue Gold is not corrosive. All of its ingredients are on the TSCA inventory list. For over 25 years, Blue Gold has relied on a quality control program that ensures all batches meet the highest quality standards.
Through the Federal Standard Cleaning Test, we proved that our gas turbine compressor cleaner works at reduced operating temperatures. Our chemicals disperse oils to remove sludge buildup, allowing oil to rise to the surface and particulate matter to sink to the bottom.
Consult Our Experts & Request A Sample
Modern Chemical prides itself on quality and service. We are a reputable and well-established company that is highly respected in the industry and in the business community. Contact our experts to receive a sample of our products!
When To Clean Your Gas Turbine Compressor
Gas turbine compressors require a regular maintenance schedule, including online and offline cleanings.
To determine if your compressor needs a gas turbine compressor cleaner, look for these red flags:
- Reduced power, capacity, and efficiency
- Increased exhaust temperature and power consumption
- A drop in intercooler pressure
- Excessive vibration
You should clean your compressor before a 2% power and discharge pressure reduction.
With Blue Gold, you can use the cleaner at various dilution rates to avoid unnecessary waste.
Blue Gold for Gas Turbine Compressor Cleaning Fluid
Modern Chemical manufactures industrial cleaning chemicals designed for surface preparation and deep cleaning. Not only are our products affordable and effective, but they are biodegradable and environmentally safe. Contact us to find gas turbine compressor cleaning fluid solutions.